Thursday, April 30, 2009


Mary Quant, one of the most famous fashion designers of the 1960s. She is innovative, original, and a risk taker. Quant has always been into fashion since she was a young child. Her focus was making clothes that would allow women to move around as if they wanted and be comfortable. Quant has achieved so much throughout her life and at 75 years of age, she still makes a mark. Quant is a fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers and won the Minerva Medal, which is the Society’s highest of award in the UK. She has inspired so many in the fashion design business

Mary Quant, one of Britain’s most famous icons in fashion design during the 1960s, born on February 11, 1934 in Blackheath London. Mary Quant has always been into clothes and designing since she was very young. Quant tells a story about when she was young she attempted to create design by cutting up her bedspread. From reading that story I can see the creativity that she had even as a young child. Quant never went to fashion design school, she actually studied fashion illustration at Goldsmiths College of Art.

As stated earlier, Quant never attended school for fashion design instead attended Goldsmith College of Art for fashion illustration. When Quant finished school she got a job designing hats for a couture milliner. After having this job for 2 years Quant decided to take up a career in fashion design. The creation of the miniskirt is what gave Quant her big break in fashion, in which Quant is best known for. This particular garment was very popular during the 1960s and became a worldwide sensation.


Mary Quant is known for a lot of different styles. To name a few she created and designed dresses with strong colors and striking geometric designs like the “wet” look, micro-mini skirt, and being one of the creators of the “Chelsea look”. Quant helped make London the center of fashion during the 1960s. Another signature style of Quant was the vinyl boots and the “paintbox” make-up. These designs made Quant one of the most famous fashion designers of the 1960s.

The design that put Quant on the map is her creation of the mini-skirt. This design was so famous because it became one of the most defining fashions of the 1960s. Mary Quant named this design after her favorite car, the Mini.




When Mary Quant finish school at Goldsmith College of Art she started working with a couture milliner designing hats, which she did for 2 years While working here Quant decided to open her own boutique called “Bazaar” in 1955. Quant was always trying to find something interesting to place into her shop. She started to become dissatisfied with the variety of clothes available to her. This in turn gave her inspiration to design and manufacture her own clothes. Mary Quant was so determined in what she wanted that now she is one of the most famous fashion designers of the 1960s.

As of today, Mary Quant is still a businessperson. She currently has four shops selling makeup, bodyline products, and clothes. Her shops are located in London, Paris, New York, and Tokyo. At the age of 75 Quant still holds interviews. There are many websites where Quant’s fashions from the 1960s are sold. Today there are over 200 Mary Quant shops in Japan.



I found Mary Quant to be a very inspirational person. This designer never went to school for fashion design and yet she’s one of the most famous fashion designers in the 1960s. When I read about her opening her own store and seeing that she had never owned her own business before, was amazing. Quant believed in her own work and now her work and inspired other fashion designers. She’s a fashion icon and is one of the most famous fashion designers of the 1960s.

Mary Quant-Fashion Icon of the 1960s


Mary Quant-Fashion Designer, 11 Dec 2006. Rewind the Fifties. 26 Apr 2009. <>

Wikipedia the free encyclopedia, 22 Apr 2009. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. Apr. 26 2009.

ICONS. A portrait of England, 17 Feb 2006. 26 Apr 2009

Mary Quant Speaks, 25 Feb, 2003.,Inc. Apr. 26 2009.